Community-based Learning (CBL) takes students to a REAL PLACE...

to interact with REAL PEOPLE...

and explore REAL ISSUESin the community.

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Think Global, Act Local

Change for a better world starts with small steps. 

Community-based Learning helps students connect what they learn in the classroom with the real world. By engaging with local communities and learning about issues that affect them, students become more aware of how local and global events shape their environment and their lives. This approach nurtures responsible citizenship, empowering students to act thoughtfully and critically in their communities.

The CBL methodology comes from Arts-ED’s 25 years of collaboration with local teachers, arts and cultural workers, communities, institutions like the Ministry of Education Malaysia and UNESCO APCEIU, as well as other non-profit organisations.

“CBL is more authentic compared to classroom lessons because it connects to the real world. By investigating the issues themselves and going through the trial-and-error process of problem-solving, CBL trains students to be creative, innovative, and also caring towards society. It creates dialogues between students and community members, thus helping to build a harmonious society.”

Lim Chin Chin, History and Bahasa Malaysia Teacher, Penang Chinese Girls’ Private High School.

“Pembelajaran luar bilik darjah memberi peluang untuk pelajar menguasai banyak benda dalam satu masa. Pelajar boleh tahu tentang bangsa, bahasa dan sejarah. Kita bersatu dalam kepelbagaian. Pembelajaran ini akan mengasah ketaatan mereka terhadap negara berdasarkan kepelbagaian ini.”

Mohamad Bin Abd Samat, Former District Head, Penang Northeast District Education Office.

“Before this project, I didn’t pay attention to landslides. Now I realise I should take action in this serious issue by informing people not to litter and clog the drains. I would also volunteer myself for any rescue operation.”

Siti Balqis, Student at SMK Air Itam, student participant of “myPenangHill” project 2018.

“CBL enriches the lives of young people as they learn to connect with their surroundings and communities. It empowers them and gives them a sense of belonging and ownership to their artistic expression on how they want the world they live in to be. This kind of transformative experience cannot be recreated in our institutionalised setting and formal method of education.”

Aida Redza. Performer, choreographer, and arts educator.

Get Inspired


Understand how to make your students’ learning more meaningful by incorporating local communities and Global Citizenship Education (GCED).

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Sample Projects

Discover how other educators use CBL in their schools and communities to cover topics like waste management, traditional trades, sustainability in food, and more.

Our Projects


Learn how to incorporate various CBL teaching and learning strategies and approaches into your classroom.

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Upcoming Workshops

Want to find out more about CBL? Join our online interactive sessions or experiential programmes in George Town, Penang to discover what CBL is and how you can use it in your community.

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My Penang Hill

How can we prevent landslides in Penang Hill and implement sustainable practices to conserve and preserve its unique ecosystem? Students explore environmental factors, engage the community in conservation efforts, and promote long-term environmental stewardship to protect Penang Hill.

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